Secondary English Tuition – Why are students feeling stressed and what can be done to alleviate this problem?

For our english tuition classes today, we had a discussion on this article “Kid’s Stress, Who’s Fault is It?” which was published in the Straits Times some time early this year. We identified that while Singapore’s education system is stressful for students, the stress is also contributed by both parents and students themselves too. 


I tasked my students to write their opinion on this question:


“Why are students feeling stressed and what can be done to alleviate this problem?”


They came up with some excellent responses and you can read samples of them below by clicking to download:

  1. Sample 1 (click to download)
  2. Sample 2 (click to download)
  3. Sample 3 (click to download)


For more information on GP Tuition Classes / Secondary English Tuition Classes conducted by Mr Aaron, click here to view his profile and call 96790479 or 98639633 to enquire.


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